Our adoption attempt with Thor did not work out, but that particular wing of the Nelson County Humane Society is a no-kill shelter so we are sure he will find a happy and cat-free home. After much other looking and thinking, we decided to go ahead and get a puppy. Saoirse is not yet a year old, so if she and the puppy grow up together they will not know any different, right? So we are now the happy owners of a beautiful Golden Retriever, Fergus. We got him from a breeder way out in the country, and the cost was actually less than the adoption fees at many of the rescue societies that we were visiting. The kids love this little guy to death, Tundra is keeping him in line and even allowing Fergus to nap with him and Saoirse, although not yet ready to play with him like he wants, tolerates his presence. Although apprehensive, she is not isolated and afraid like she was with Thor around. We can already see why Goldens are so beloved and considered to be such a perfect dog.