My brother and his wife were able to stop by and see us this past weekend. A great visit, and nice just to spend some time together and catch up a bit. Of particular fun was our trip to a haunted corn maze. The kids were insistent on going, and although they held up well they did not exit with the same enthusiasm that they had going in. The highlight of the night was as we were leaving. A group of giggling teenage girls were waiting to go in, and one stops to tell her friends as we go past, "Hey, it's Finn!" Only 5 and already popular with the ladies. The picture is the view from our dining room. Although I sometimes miss the excitement and variety that a big city offers, there is little that can match the beauty and serenity here.
What a beautiful view, and how lucky I am to be able to see it up close and personal on occasion!
I was blown away when that gaggle of girls recognized Finn...is it wrong to be jealous of a five year old? Probably.
Great seeing you guys, and great to see you in the blogging universe. Blog on, tiny dancer!
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